For 8 to 11-year-olds, known as Juniors, the Boys’ Brigade offers a diverse range of engaging activities.
Playing games serves as a catalyst for fostering friendships and teamwork, providing a platform for Juniors to bond and have fun collaboratively. These activities not only encourage camaraderie but also contribute to the development of teamwork skills.
Problem-solving activities are designed to stimulate critical thinking and conflict resolution among Juniors. This emphasis on thinking outside the box and finding solutions, either individually or as a group, forms the foundation for leadership skills.
The Boys’ Brigade leaders, often professionals in various fields, take pride in passing on their expertise to Juniors through a wide array of activities. This transfer of skills helps Juniors explore new interests and gain practical knowledge in different areas.
Spirituality is addressed through dedicated time for reading from the Bible and understanding its teachings, guiding Juniors in discerning right from wrong.
Community participation is encouraged, with activities such as Anzac Day providing Juniors with opportunities to contribute to and engage with the community.
Friendships are nurtured through shared experiences unique to Boys’ Brigade. Juniors are actively encouraged to include everyone and support each other during games.
Adventure is a key component, with Juniors taking part in camps and adventurous activities designed to boost confidence within a fun environment. Traditions like the annual downhill soapbox derby race and the 50th State Juniors camp add to the excitement.
Sharing time is a special segment where Juniors discuss their week, fostering bonds through leader-led discussions about their experiences, achievements, and disappointments.
Leadership opportunities are given to Juniors who display maturity, commitment, and leadership skills. They take turns leading their squad on parade and during game time, an esteemed opportunity.
Parade serves as the formal start to their gatherings, where Juniors proudly wear their uniforms, exchanging salutes and participating in the experience of leading their squad.
Earning badges is a recognition of Juniors’ efforts, presented at award nights ceremonies that honour the boys in front of their peers and parents.
Local community leaders, many of whom were once boys in the Brigades themselves, oversee each group. They take pride in sharing their knowledge and expertise to build up the next generation of Juniors and tailor an optimized program to meet their specific needs.